LIVE SELF HAPPY - by Felicia


Our STAR 💫 Felicia Winston has created her own Travel, Food & Adventure blog!


ABOUT LIVE SELF HAPPY - by Felicia Winston

The idea for Live Self Happy came to me one morning while I was colouring in the sunshine at a friend's. My partner Zach (who was not my partner yet) had gotten up and offered to help me. Did I need an easel? Better lighting? Anything at all?  

He was so sweet but I told him that as much as I appreciated his help, I already had everything I needed and was happy.  “You self happy?” He said to me, “nobody self happy's.” He was joking of course but it got me thinking. 

Being responsible for my own happiness is the skill I care the most about.

I believe that nobody can make you feel anything. If you tell me you are unhappy and in a crappy mood because of so and so; I will tell you that you have a choice in how you react.

Conversely just as nobody can make you unhappy then it follows that nobody else can make you happy either. Sure other people's actions often contribute to your joy but we all know some sour pusses that can find fault in even the most positive circumstances. 

I used to be one of them.  I made every excuse for why I could not be happy and succeed. I had plenty, I was a teenage mom, in abusive relationships, the world just wasn't fair.  Only when I took responsibility for my own happiness did I grow into the woman I am today and a world of opportunity opened before me. 

My goal is to share some of the things that I find happiness in: Travel, Food, Adventures, and some of the skills I acquired along the way in the hope that it manifests happiness for you too.